Sunday, March 17, 2013


I remember talking with one of my friends way back over Christmas break about my life in Waco.  We were talking about the church I attend and various things that I like about it.  One thing I said was I really enjoy that we do communion on a regular basis.  It doesn't happen once a quarter or twice a year, but about once a month.  I love it, I told him.  Then he said something really profound that got me thinking....he said I understand communion and why we do it, but it has never really been a super spiritual experience for me.

Fast forward to several weeks ago taking communion at church. As the words were read and the bread broken, I asked myself am I getting anything out of this?  Is this benefiting me?  Is it edifying me?  Then, as I prayed I took a step back and isn't about me it is about remembering Jesus. Remember.

How often do we repeat similar mistakes and failures in our lives?  How often do we neglect the things we have been taught and learned from God?  The children of Israel did it.  When they finally crossed into the Promised Land they set up a stone, an altar to remember.  God told them to tell their children so that he could be remembered.  They didn't remember. Instead they sacrificed them to idols.

Isn't that what God sent Jesus to do? To remember?  Yes, I think it is.  We have the Holy Spirit inside of us and he helps me to remember.  When I get so bogged down and tempted by this world I need to reflect and remember.  Remember smiling faces looking at me from the steps at First Baptist Church.  I need to remember little boys crying after they have accepted Jesus as their savior.  I remember community and friendship God has used in my life.  I remember where I have come from and where I think God is going to lead me in the future.

But, how do we make that a consistent part of our lives?  Several things - first, walk with the Lord.  Jesus said you would know his children by the fruits they bear.  If we are truly seeking after God we are going to bear fruit.  It is going to happen.  Consistency is the name of the game.  I know no one is perfect, but it has to be an everyday thing. Prayer, scripture and reflection need to happen daily.

Lastly, I'd say we need community. We need people that remind us. That are honest with us. That call us back to those times God wants us to remember.

Jesus said it, "As often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, this do in remembrance of me."

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