Tuesday, August 23, 2011


I have grown up hearing a lot of things are wrong.  You shouldn't do them and Jesus doesn't like them.  I am not going to list them here because that is not what this post is about.  It is about the fact that I think so badly of people who are closed minded and believe tradition almost more than they believe the Word and yet I do the same thing.  I can't reconcile why.  I mean and even reading certain scripture and thinking it means one particular thing I have been taught and not ever looking at in depth just to make sure.  Because there is nothing wrong with making sure.  Nothing at all.  And I am afraid that so many people worry, including myself, that if we question something we are sinning.  God wants us to seek out truth.  And sometimes we are confused about what truth is.  Sometimes truth isn't as absolute as we think it is, or more correctly isn't the absolute we thought it was.  And you know what in the end we might find out that we still believe what we have believed all along.  And that is fine, but at least we believe because we were led by the Spirit rather than letting tradition and our raising make us that way.  It happens.  I hope this made since, and I hope no one finds me a heretic. Thanks for listening.

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