Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Last Week was Bleak

Last week was ehhhh....one of those weeks.  Let's start with Monday.  My Aunt Angela passed away a week ago yesterday.  She was quite possibly one of the coolest people I have ever known.  Her and my uncle met when he was in the Navy, in the Philippines because that is where she is from.  Legit already, right?  She was so much fun.  She liked to wrestle when we were little, now mind you, she was little too.  She stood at about 4 feet even.  She was an excellent cook - "fried lice" or rather fried rice was her specialty.  She may have been the first person I ever saw eat with chop sticks.  She let a rough life before she met my uncle.  The Philippines is not the best place to live especially in the 40's, 50's, and 60's.  She had six kids, two of which were basically taken from her and she didn't get to see again until they were adults.  But, with my Uncle Mike she got a new life in a new country and she was thankful and she lived a great one.  That was awesome to hear him say last night at visitation, "She lived a full life."  And she did.  Aunt Angela was always using the latest beauty treatments, and last night Daddy, Momma, Catie, Meggin, and I were all standing in front of the coffin looking at her (the make up on the hands thing has always creeped me out.  Don't put make up on my hands when I die) and I started laughing and just as soon as I did dad said she still has her eye brows.  And we all burst in to laughter right there.  You see, her eyebrows and eyeliner were tattooed on. Hilarious. Well, Aunt Angela is in her "rest in peace place" now.  I now she's in heaven having a good laugh and maybe even making some fried lice.

In other matters, I love people and I am a pretty good listener.  Well, I think I am.  But, I don't know how to not make people's problems become my own.  Does that make sense?  I am constantly worrying about people I care about.  My dad was crying on the phone last week and I was a nervous wreck the rest of the day.  Not that I need to stop letting people open up to me but how do I not let there issues become like whatever it is is happening to me?  Anyway, maybe I need therapy.  Well, I know, most of you are saying that's a given.

I blogged earlier this month about how easy and uneventful my semester has been.  Well, it has been and also I need to buckle down, because it is now piling up.  A Greek paper due in a week and a half.  Ethics stages that I haven't done, an Art Appreciation project next week.  Oh and someone tell me to suck it up and not fail my gen ed's. I have gen eds. Note to college students everywhere don't take 2 gen eds your senior year it will make you want to strangle a freshmen.

Catie Ward is smarter than me.  She made a 26 on her ACT the first time.  She is cool.  I am proud. Don't tell her.

This week....well, it started off with a minivacation, much needed to avoid inevitable burn out.  I feel refreshed and ready to kick some senior year butt.  I think I can do it. Sunday, though.  Sunday.  I am super excited about Sunday.  Yes, because I miss my kiddos like nobodies business.  But, also, I get to meet my family for the summer.  Team reveal y'all.  Pumped. Stoked.  And all those other cool words I am too lame to come up with.

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