I just got back from literally one of the most amazing and life changing experiences of my life. I wanted to share what I learned and decided that the most effective way to do that would be to simply pull quotes from my notes for each speaker and just give a glimpse of the awesome teaching from the word of God. If you don't already know this God is working in this generation of college students and we are going to change the world. I am and a lot of you are not just going to be a part of the change you are part of the change right now in this very moment. Freedom begins now.
Louie Giglio Night 1:
Speaking on Luke 7:11-17
- "Jesus wants our lives to be interrupted at this very moment."
- "Jesus wasn't worried about what he was supposed to do, he knows what he came to do."
- "In its core the Gospel is raising people from the dead."
- "What the law is powerless to do, what religious leaders wouldn't do...Jesus does and so can we."
- "This story doesn't end with the son being alive, it ends with the story of Jesus being spread across the country."
- "The Gospel is about who you are trusting in your life right now, not a decision you made when you were nine or ten."
Beth Moore Morning Session Day 2:
Speaking on Luke 8:43-48
- "Sometimes we think an infinite God has a finite attention span."
- "You are incapable of being unnoticed and ignored by God."
- "The story looses its power if it looses its discomfort."
- "Our greatest need for healing is somewhere so private, we hide the area that needs the most healing."
- "We are afraid of what these secrets will do to us socially."
- "We are called to be clean in an unclean world."
- "Instead of the woman with the issue of blood making him unclean, he made her clean. He came so he could be touchable, not just reachable."
- "As long as you feel unclean, you aren't going to let Jesus do anything. If you hang your head toward him, your hear will not be free."
- There is a cycle of defeat, believing I am the old broken person, being brought back to the pit. Awareness is important, because defeat happens when we forget.
- "We can never explain the complexities of Jesus, because something that can be explained can be mastered."
- "To say that we've been healed is to say we've been unclean.... Your faith has made you well.... Grab on for dear life and be made whole."
Christine Cain Day 2 Second Session:
- "As you sent me, I sent them." - Jesus
- "If you take away a name and make a statistic, it is easy not to think that a number has a name."
- "Jesus interrupts mundane moments to speak and change our lives."
- "The only thing Jesus went to the cross for was people."
- "Compassion is never compassion unless you cross the street and do something now."
- "The Levite and the Priest (in the story of the Good Samaritan) weren't bad people, they were busy people. They missed the object of their ministry."
- "Compassion isn't compassion until you are willing to be interrupted."
- "We who have been rescued have a responsibility to rescue others."
- "One million is just a statistic until you meet one person."
- "What is so important in our temporal world that would take us away from the eternal?"
- "Light works most effectively in the darkness."
Francis Chan Day 2 Night Session:
- "We are allowed to read the Word, there is power in that!"
- "Pay attention to people's doctrines, but also look at their lives."
- "Be careful of your own heart, because we fight for our own desires while reading scripture. We aren't fighting for truth, we are justifying what we want."
"The solution to human trafficking is making disciples."
Panel Discussion Day 3:
Isaiah 58:6
- Prevention - Intervention - Restoration - Education
- "If we don't talk about demand (in response to slavery) there will continue to be a need for a supply."
- Enthusiasm does not equal accomplishment
John Piper Day 3 Night Session:
- "Do everything to make him look great."
- "All human beings are created to put God's infinite value on display."
- "Seeing and savoring the supremacy of Jesus Christ frees you from the slavery of sin."
- "God didn't create the world to be glorified invisibly."
- "Fruit glorifies privately, works glorify publicly."
- "Receiving and believing Jesus are the same."
- "Freedom is being so involved with Christ you do exactly what you want to do exactly what you want to do and it accords with his will."
- " Big hearts give little lust lusts little power. Little hearts give little lusts big power."
I did agree with a lot of what Piper said, but I did think he needed to clarify his points just a little further.
Last Session Louie Giglio:
- "You are in a system that is setting you up for a not yet arrived at generation."
- "Your person and mission in life begins the day Christ takes hold of your life."
- "Brokenness is the bow from which God launches the arrows of freedom."
- "God's not concerned about what you are doing, He said whatever your doing do it for Jesus."
- "Boldly doesn't all the time mean loudly."
This conference was seriously one of the best experiences of my life. I loved it and I hope someone, anyone can gain something from my notes.
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