Theses guys are pretty great. I love them a whole lot. Who knew you could have that much personality at ten or eleven. If I could pick out someone who has taught me the most in the past year it would probably be these kiddos. They have so much passion. Talk about from the overflow of the mouth the heart speaks...these guys and some other pretty great kiddos I know have the most amazing hearts I have ever seen. I am going to miss them like crazy, but I am going to pray for them everyday because if anyone is going to change the world, it'll be them.
Freshman year we wrote a letter to ourselves that asked a bunch of questions about the future and about now. When it asked who my best friends were....I wrote these ladies. Duh! They are pretty great and I love them with everything I am. I am going to miss seeing them on my trips home. And most of all? Well, Maggie the one with the big smile there in the middle...she's making me an uncle (again). Uncle Will is going to not be happy about seeing that precious little girl growing inside of her....but you better tell me about her! And you best send pictures.
Talk about seeing Christ in others? Jesus shines so brightly through these fellas that you almost miss how darn good looking they are. Gosh, they have absolutely beautiful hearts. They speak endless amounts of truth and love to me. I don't know what I am going to do without them. Well, thank God for modern technology, because I am not going to have to go too long without talking to them. They are wonderful. And will all be famous. You will be reading there books. I will get advanced copies....because well, I knew them when they were little people. I love you, brothers.
Gosh, this guys is pretty great. He is well, one of my very best friends. I couldn't lie to him if I tried and you know what I wouldn't have to, because I can't think of anything I could do that would make him stop being my friend. I may meet new friends in Waco....but we are skyping. And you best answer your phone every once in a while.
Hannah Kate this cutie and her little bro Eli Carter are going to make me sad. They are going to grow so much in the next few years. I am going to miss a lot. But they are phone talkers and there mommy better send me some pictures of them.
Oh my gosh I love these people. They are freaking hilarious. I love getting to be hilarious with them. And I wouldn't be the Will you know, love, and may hate today if it weren't for them. They are some kind of wonderful. And whether I was Charlie Brown or a beat up or paralyzed man getting stepped on I will miss all of your faces and laughing at you and with you.
This girl is pretty special. She is one of my favorite people in the world. No matter what, I can talk to her. She shows so much love to so many people. She is passionate, she loves Jesus and shows it. She is just simply precious and I also place that title best friend on her. She's getting married this summer. And she is going to be an awesome wife and minister. Did I mention her husband to be is a soccer coach, rock that minivan, soccer mom.
Want to meet some really cool church ladies? I know four of them that are awesome! I seriously might have died of too much cafeteria food and might have had to sleep on the streets during breaks if it weren't for these ladies (and their families) and how well they've take care of me. Notice also, Lori, Steph, and Chrissy are rockin some OMC camp moms ever. Hannah is going to follow soon!
These people are special because two of them gave me life. Two of them lived in a house with me for eighteenish years and one of them married my sister (he is a saint :) ) I am going to miss them. They are really the best family a guy could ask for. They love me, I love them. We are pretty good looking too if I might add. I love you guys.